Secure Productivity
Enabling Work Without Compromise
Security must go hand in hand with productivity. Wanstor ensures that your teams can work efficiently and securely from anywhere, without compromising sensitive data.
Achieving Cyber Essentials or Cyber Essentials Plus certification demonstrates your commitment to cybersecurity, reassuring customers and partners.
Your workforce needs secure access to business-critical applications, whether in the office, at home, or on the go. With increasing cyber threats and stringent compliance requirements, ensuring security without disrupting productivity is a constant challenge. Wanstor addresses these challenges with comprehensive consultancy services, including policy consultancy, threat and vulnerability scans, environment reviews, and mock audits.
Wanstor helps businesses strike the right balance between security and usability. From identity and access management to endpoint protection and secure remote working solutions, we provide the tools and expertise to keep your employees productive while safeguarding your business from cyber risks. Our managed security services offer intensive remediation and ongoing security management tailored to specific business needs, ensuring enhanced security, improved data integrity, and proactive threat management.
The Cyber Essentials Scheme
Cyber Essentials is an effective scheme backed by the UK government involving an audit built around five basic technical controls, specifically designed to prevent the most common cyber-attacks. Organisations that are Cyber Essentials certified can demonstrate and reassure customers that they are serious about cyber security and safeguarding the integrity of their clients’ data.
Cyber Essentials Bundles
Our bundles offer businesses varying support levels towards obtaining certification, whether that is Cyber Essentials or Cyber Essentials Plus. Each tier works to ensure you are compliant with the standards set by IASME and provides a one-time certification at the point of completion, to be renewed each year.
Advise: Cyber Essentials
I wish to confirm that my answers meet the CE requirements before assessment
- Question Set Consultancy
- Report
Advise: Cyber Essentials Plus
I wish to confirm my policies and devices meet CE+ requirements before assessment
- Question Set Consultancy
- Policy Consultancy
- Threat & Vulnerability Scan
- Cyber Essentials Plus Sample Audit
- Report
Consult & Discovery
Unsure of your security position? Wanstor will review CE readiness.
- Environment Review
Consultancy | Advise: Cyber Essentials I wish to confirm that my answers meet the CE requirements before assessment |
Advise: Cyber Essentials Plus I wish to confirm my policies and devices meet CE+ requirements before assessment |
Consult & Discovery I’m unsure of my security posture and want my organization to be reviewed against CE controls |
Question Set Consultancy Q&A of Cyber Essentials Question Set with a Cyber Essentials qualified Security Professional |
Policy Consultancy Review of your written policy controls and verification that they apply to the Cyber Essentials assessment criteria |
Threat & Vulnerability Scan Threat and Vulnerability scan of your network with suggested remediation action for each item |
Up to 20 External IP addresses and up to 250 assets | ||
Cyber Essentials Plus Sample Audit Conduct a mock audit of a sample of devices against the controls for Cyber Essentials Plus. Up to 15 devices |
Environment Review Collection of data from your environment to answer questions about its current state for End User Devices, Network Devices and Technical Controls |
Report A detailed report on Gaps to be closed against the Cyber Essentials standard including a detailed remediation plan |
Price | £1,000 | £3,150 | Get a quote |
Additional Services
Intensive remediation scoped on per project basis.
Managed Security Service available, scoped separately
Cyber Essentials Assessment
I want to apply for the Cyber Essentials Certificate
- Cyber Essentials Assessment**
Cyber Essentials Assmt. Advice
I want a little help with my assessment
- Assessment Consultancy
Cyber Essentials Plus Assessment
I want to apply for the Cyber Essentials Plus Certificate
- Environment Review
Cyber Essentials – I want to apply | Cyber Essentials – I need help with my assessment | Cyber Essentials Plus Assessment – I want to apply | |
Cyber Essentials Assessment** Creation of Applicant in the IASME Portal, Assessment of answers provided against the Cyber Essentials Standard and Issue of the certificate (if successful) |
Cyber Essentials Plus Audit Audit and report to governing body against the Cyber Essentials Plus criteria |
Assessment Consultancy Before submission an assessor is going toreview your assessment and provide feedback via email |
Price | Price based on Org Size: 0-9 Employees £350 10-49 Employees £470 50-249 Employees £590 250+ Employees £700 |
Fixed Cost £350 | Price based on Org Size: 0-9 Employees. £1,600 10-49 Employee. £2,100 50-249 Employees £2,500 250+ Employees £3,100 |
**IASME will always require an audit to be performed by a certification body in addition to their certification charges. We are a certification body for IASME and can undertake this audit for you. Our Accreditation Price is for a IASME audit, and certification.
**IASME will always require an audit to be performed by a certification body in addition to their certification charges. We are a certification body for IASME and can undertake this audit for you. Our Accreditation Price is for a IASME audit, and certification.
Managed Cyber Essential Services
Once certification has been achieved, we recommend keeping your cyber security posture maintained to this standard by using our Managed Cyber Essentials service. Our team of security experts will manage, report on and remediate any technical issues – enabling you to protect your business and ensure your annual re-certification is trouble-free.
Our Cyber Security Certifications

Ready to Protect Your Workforce with Advanced Cybersecurity?
Contact us today to learn how Wanstor's solutions can keep your business safe and productive with secure remote access and compliance measures. Let's ensure your teams work efficiently and securely from anywhere!
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