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Empowering Your Business with Serverless: How Wanstor Can Transform Your Cloud Strategy

Luke Southgate

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, staying competitive means embracing cutting-edge technologies.

Cloud transformation | serverless computing | Wanstor

At Wanstor, we're seeing a revolution unfold: by 2025, over 95% of new digital workloads are projected to be deployed on cloud-native platforms. At the forefront of this transformation is serverless computing - a paradigm shifts that's redefining how businesses build and deploy applications.

As your trusted Managed Service Provider, we're here to guide you through this exciting frontier. In this article, we'll explore the world of serverless computing, its benefits, and how Wanstor can help you harness its power to drive innovation and growth in your business.

What is serverless computing?

Imagine a reality where developers can focus on writing code, with no need to think about the infrastructure. That's the promise of serverless computing.

It is a cloud computing model that abstracts away all server management tasks. Instead of provisioning and maintaining servers, developers simply write code and upload it to a cloud platform. The platform then automatically runs the code on demand, scaling resources up or down as needed.

In this model, the cloud provider handles all the nitty-gritty details like load balancing, security, and fault tolerance. It's like having an invisible team managing your infrastructure 24/7.

Why Wanstor Recommends Serverless

As your strategic technology partner, we're always looking for ways to optimise your operations and drive growth.

  1. Focus on Innovation, Not Infrastructure: With Wanstor managing your serverless infrastructure, your team can dedicate their time and energy to what really matters - innovating and growing your business. We handle all the backend complexities, so you don't have to.
  2. Dynamic Scalability, zero waste: As the userbase grows or usage increases, serverless built applications will scale automatically to match these demands. No more paying for idle servers or scrambling to add capacity during peak times.
  3. Enhanced Security: Security and Compliance is our top priority. Most major serverless platforms minimises your application's attack surface, and we employ state-of-the-art best practice security measures to protect your data and applications. You focus on securing your application logic; we'll take care of the rest.
  4. Cost Optimisation: Forget about paying for idle servers or wasting resources. With serverless, you only pay for what you use, and nothing more. Whether your application runs for a few seconds once a day, or for millions of times per hour, you only pay for the exact amount of compute time you consume. This way, you can optimise your costs and get the most value out of your infrastructure. Imagine how much you could save by switching to serverless.

Real world application

Serverless sounds great in theory, but how do we make it work in practice? How can we take this idea and apply it to real world scenarios?

Event-driven applications:

With serverless functions, you can create applications that react to events in real time and deliver engaging user experiences. Whether it's a chatbot, a social media analytics tool, or a smart home device, you can use serverless functions to trigger actions based on user inputs, data changes, or device signals. Serverless functions enable you to build applications that are responsive, intelligent, and personalised.

Data processing and transformation:

It is possible to leverage functions to process and transform massive amounts of data at lightning speed and with optimal efficiency. You can use serverless functions to perform tasks such as image resizing, video transcoding, data validation, or ETL (extract, transform, load) operations.

Microservices and APIs:

With serverless functions, you can build microservices and APIs that are flexible, agile, and easy to update. You can use serverless functions to deliver business value, integrate with best-in-class services, or orchestrate complex workflows across multiple functions.

Web and mobile applications

Serverless functions empower you to create web and mobile applications that are stunning, engaging, and scalable. You can use serverless functions to deliver seamless user experiences, such as authentication, authorisation, personalisation, notifications, or server-side rendering. You can also use serverless functions to enhance your static hosting services with dynamic features and functionality for your web pages and apps.

Our Commitment to Your Success

At Wanstor, we're more than just a service provider - we're your strategic partner in digital transformation. Our team of certified cloud experts works closely with you to understand your unique business needs and design tailored serverless solutions that drive results.

Serverless isn't just about technology; it's about enabling businesses to focus on what they do best. At Wanstor, we handle the complexity of cloud infrastructure so our clients can concentrate on innovation and growth.


The serverless revolution is here, and Wanstor is ready to help you lead the charge. By leveraging our expertise and cutting-edge serverless solutions, you can accelerate innovation, optimise costs, and stay ahead in today's competitive landscape.

Are you ready to transform your business with serverless technology? Contact Wanstor today, and let's build a more agile, efficient, and innovative future for your business together.


What is the serverless approach to the cloud?

The serverless approach to the cloud allows developers to create and run applications without managing the underlying servers. The cloud provider takes care of server management, scaling, and maintenance, enabling developers to focus solely on their code. This method simplifies operations, enhances efficiency, and can reduce costs.

What is serverless cloud function?

A serverless cloud function lets developers run code in response to events without managing servers. The cloud provider handles all infrastructure tasks, allowing developers to focus on their code.

What is the difference between serverless, and cloud based?

Cloud-based computing involves using remote servers hosted on the internet to store, manage, and process data. While it also reduces the need for on-site servers, users are still responsible for managing the virtual servers and infrastructure.